Privacy Policy

Privacy policy (2018-05-17)


We at United Spaces Network Offices AB, registration number 556668-1069, including affiliated subsidiaries, hereafter referred to as “United Spaces,” value your personal privacy and strive for a high level of protection in all processing of personal data. All processing carried out by United Spaces complies with applicable data protection legislation. Within the EU/EEA, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in effect since May 2018.

If you have any questions about this information or if you wish to exercise any of your rights as outlined below, please contact United Spaces. Contact information is provided on our website

What is personal data?

Any information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to you as an individual is considered personal data under the Personal Data Act. Examples of such information include name, company name, address, phone number, email address, personal identification number, competition entries, use of our websites, or IP address.

When does the processing of personal data occur?

Processing of personal data includes all actions taken by us or a third party with the personal data, such as collection, registration, or storage, regardless of whether it is automated or not.

Who is responsible for the personal data we collect?

United Spaces is the data controller for all processing of all personal data.

What personal data do we collect about you as a customer and for what purpose?

Personal data may only be processed for specific and explicitly stated purposes and may not be subsequently processed for any purpose beyonde these.

At United Spaces, we process personal data that you have provided to us for the purpose of processing and administering your inquiries, any agreements with you, and to provide information and service. This may include registering for our events, competition entries advertised on our websites, and subscribing to our newsletter.

Personal data is also processed for statistical purposes, allowing us to see and understand how users use our website and to develop and improve the content. However, all this information is anonymised, and we cannot identify individual users.

Please note that when you use features on our websites that allow you to post information or other material, such information may also contain personal data.

We collect the following data:

  • Name

  • Company information

  • Organisation number

  • Contact information (e.g. email and phonenumber)

  • Payment history

  • Payment information

  • Credit reports from credit reporting agencies

  • Purchase information (e.g product or service ordered)

  • Entry and exit from our premises

  • Printer server for tracking the number of prints

  • Event registrations

Your personal data may also be used for marketing, follow-ups, and for the development and improvement of our products and services. If you do not wish to receive marketing and/or offers, please contact us. Contact information is provided on our website, under the section ‘Contacts’.

From which sources do we collect your persnonal data?

In addition to the data you provide to us or that we collect from you based on your purchases and how you use our services, we may also collect personal data from someone else (so-called third party). The data we collect from third parties includes the following:

  1. Address details from public registers to ensure we have the correct address details for you.
  2. Information about creditworthiness from credit rating agencies, banks, or credit reporting companies.

    With whom may we share your personal data?

    We vet all those who handle personal data on our behalf to ensure that they can provide sufficient guarantees regarding the security and confidentiality of your personal data. The companies we engage may only process your data based on written instructions from us.

    1. Transporters (logistics companies and freight forwarders).

    2. Payment solutions (card processing companies, banks, and other payment service providers).

    3. Marketing (print and distribution, social media, media agencies, or advertising agencies).

    4. IT services (companies managing the necessary operation, technical support, and maintenance of our IT solutions).

    Where do we process your personal data?

    We always strive to process your personal data within the EU/EEA, and all our own IT systems are located within the EU/EEA.

    How long do we retain your personal data?

    We never retain your personal data longer than necessary for each purpose and applicable legal requirements, up to a maximum of 7 years.

    What rights do you have as a data subject?

    You have the right to update, delete, or move your personal data when you notice that the information we have about you is incorrect.

    At United Spaces, we aim for all the information we process to be accurate. This naturally applies to the personal data we collect. In the event that any data is found to be incorrect, correction is made without delay. You also have the right to access the information we have recorded about you.

    You can request the deletion of personal data we process about you if:

    • The data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed.

    • You object to a balance of interests we have made based on legitimate interest, and your reason for objection outweighs our legitimate interest.

    • You object to processing for direct marketing purposes.

    • Personal data is processed unlawfully.

    • Personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation we are subject to.

    Record extract: You can request access to the data (information is provided in the form of a PDF document with name, address, personal identification number/organisation number, phone number, email, any credit information, and order history). The reason for why we have stored the information and the source we used to obtain the data.

    Data portability: If our right to process your personal data is based on either your consent or the performance of a contract with you, you have the right to request that the data concerning you, and that you have provided to us, be transferred to another data controller (so-called data portability).

    A prerequisite for data portability is that the transfer is technically possible and can be done automatically.

    If you want to access this information or have other questions regarding our processing of personal data, please contact us. Contact information is provided on our website, section ‘Contacts’.

    What are cookies and how do we use them?

    A cookie file is part of a text that, with your permission, can be placed in your computer’s hardware. If you agree to this, your browser will add the text to a separate file. United Spaces uses cookie files to facilitate the analysis of traffic on our websites by gaining knowledge about who has visited our website at a certain time. You can specify in your browser settings whether you accept that cookie files are placed with you or not. You can also choose to delete cookie files that have been placed with you at any time.

    You can read more about cookies at the following locations: or

    How are your personal data protected?

    We use IT systems to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. We have taken special security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized or unauthorized processing (such as unauthorised access, loss, destruction, or damage).

    Changed privacy terms

    United Spaces may continuously update these privacy terms as we change our processing of personal data or as other legal requirements or directives arise.

    The Data Inspection Authority

    The Data Inspection Authority is responsible for monitoring the application of the legislation, and if you believe that we at United Spaces have not heeded your opinions or handled them incorrectly, you can contact the Data Inspection Authority.

    Contact information

    United Spaces Network Offices AB
    Box 190
    101 23 Stockholm

    Orgnr: 556668-1069
    Phone number: 08-692 65 00

    This site is registered on as a development site.